Communication At Work

You spend a major part of your day at your workplace. While undertaking the responsibilities allocated as a part of your job as well as otherwise, you indulge in communication. There are basically two types of communication that take place in an office - formal and informal. The formal communication involves those matters that are related to your job or your organization. On the other hand, informal communication takes place regarding topics of mutual interests, other than those concerning official work, mainly between colleagues and at times, between an employee and his junior.

Effective Communication At Work

Effective communication is very necessary in any and every line of business. The following tips will help you know how to communicate effectively at your work place, with people ranging from your employer to your customer.


One of the basic necessities of communication is clarity. You should be clear as to what you want to convey with your words. Ambiguous words and statements can lead to a great deal of misunderstanding. While communicating at work, keep in mind the essence of your words as well as the understanding level of the listener. The way you communicate with a client has to be different from the way you talk to your employees.


Being to the point is very necessary when communicating at work. Your clients, employees as well as seniors will prefer if you are direct and concise. Provide only that information which is necessary. If you say too much, you are likely to wander off the main topic. In turn, the listener will also tune out of the conversation and is likely to miss your most crucial points. Remember, time - be it your or of anyone else, is valuable.

Being Personal

While it is necessary to be direct and to-the-point, when dealing with communication at work, it does not mean that you will be rude and impersonal. After all, you are talking to human beings and not androids. You should always have a personal touch in your words, so as to show your audience that you care about them. If you follow this approach, your communication would definitely bring the desired results.

Listening Ability

A good conversationalist has the ability, not only to speak effectively, but also to listen to others. Communication has never been, not it will it ever be, one-way. Even in speech, you look out for the feedback of your audience, whether in the form of applause or any other gesture. By listening, we don't merely mean nodding your head every now and then, rather being involved.

Thinking before Speaking

A person who blurts out the first word that comes into his lips can never ever hope to communicate effectively. You should consider every word in your mind, before letting it lose through your mouth. Remember, a word, once spoken, can never be taken back. So, it is better to think twice before speaking anything, rather than be sorry later on.


A communication will be the most effective when it is positive. Negative words can also get a work done, but not as efficiently as encouraging ones. Whenever you speak, try to underplay the negative aspects and accentuate the positive ones. Balancing negatives with positives will always encourage the listener to work competently, to the best of his abilities.

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