Dating Advices For Men

According to statistics 70% of all online dating community are men, other 30% women. Males lost more money than females (ratio of $1.97 dollars lost per male to every $1.00 dollar lost per female). That's why we decided to start our dating advices publishing from dating advices for men. And let's start from online dating safety tips because it's really not so safe as advertised.

Online dating is one of the most riskue zones of online business. Charge back volume is of the highest because there are thousands of services providing dating or matchmaking services but only hundreds of them are providing quality services where single men really can find a date. A lot of singles read online dating safety tips only after being scammed or loosing their first money on the Web. We recommend to read dating tips and dating advices befor joining any dating service.

Dating safety tip Nr.1 - Review dating before joining it!

Before joining dating service try to find its review and read user testimonials on search engine. You'll see all pluses and minuses of this dating service. Remember, that all dating services know how to sell their product but not all of them could deliver quality product

Dating safety tip Nr.2 - Stay anonymous as long as needed

Never include your last name, email address, home address, phone number, place of work or any other identifying information in your personal profile or initial messages. When corresponding with another dating site member, turn off your email signature file. Stop communicating with anyone who pressures you for personal information or attempts in any way to trick you into revealing it.

Dating safety tip Nr.3 - Request for photo

A photo will give you a good idea of the person’s appearance, which may prove helpful in achieving a gut feeling. In fact, it’s best to view several images of someone in various settings. If all you hear are excuses about why you can’t see a photo, consider that he or she has something to hide. Also be carefull with too much attractive women photos. It could be fake profiles because scammers usually steal nice photos from magazines and models web sites. Try to search for woman black list and visit sites in search results. It would help you to identify scam artist.

Dating safety tip Nr.4 - Chat on the phone with potentional date

A phone call can reveal much about a person’s communication and social skills. When speaking over the phone try to keep your security and do not reveal your personal phone number. Only furnish your phone number when you feel completely comfortable. Take your attention to strange questions like "where do you live", "what are your working hours", "who is at home when you're at work".

Dating safety tip Nr. 5 - Meet in safe place

When you choose to meet offline, always tell a friend where you are going and when you will return. Leave your date's name and telephone number with your friend. Never arrange for your date to pick you up at home. Provide your own transportation, meet in a public place at a time with many people around (a familiar restaurant or coffee shop is often a good choice), and when the date is over, leave on your own as well. Refrain from drinking excessively, as it could impair your ability to make good decisions. If at some point you and your date decide to move to another location, take your own car. When the timing is appropriate, thank your date for getting together and say goodbye.

Dating safety tip Nr. 6 - Don't send money to your date

Don't send money or do any transactions before you'll meet your date personaly. Especially if are dating online with woman from Eastern Europe. The standart scheme for russian dating scam is to ask money for transportation, paying for the internet, tickets and visa's expenses. Russian scammers are very dangerous and they improve their skills always. Be very careful when someone ask you to send $100 to pay for something to continue dating online with you. Even if you're 99% sure that it's not a scam we highly recommend you to send flowers to the provided address. If this is scam woman would not tell you her real address and flowers bouquet will be undelivered and you will get full refund. It would cost you much cheaper than sending hundreds of dollars to someone in Russia or Ukraine. Some US men send thousand of dollars and than trying to find that person in Russia to return they money, but usually it's impossible.

Dating safety tip Nr.7 - What to do if you are a victim of scam

This is the most awful what could happend with you because honestly speaking you have very little chances to find and return your money. But it is worth a try to do it - maybe it helps.

Try to calm and analyze what happened and where was your mistake.

If you have been cheated by a site immidiately report to IFCC

Contact dating site where you met that person. Usually it does not help but you will avoid other victims by deleting her ad from the site

Try to contact police department of town where criminal lives if know this info

This is not a full list of dating safety tips because there are thousands ways of online fraud. We'll keep you updated with new dating tips for men. be careful when dating online and everything will be OK.

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