How Do You Call A Girl For A Date?

Calling a Girl for a Date

Don't ask her on a "date" at all. Have some fun activity X planned for yourself, going to the beach or a dance club or hiking or a sport, whatever YOU like to do for fun. Casually invite her along much like you'd invite a regular(male) friend. Have a regular phone chat about the latest interesting events in your life / her life / current events just as you would with a guy friend, let the conversation wrap up "It's been good talking to you, I have to get going now for (mention the reason: work/dinner/plans/whatever)". But before you hang up, interrupt yourself to enthusiastically mention "Hey, I'm doing (activity X) later/tomorrow/Saturday (whatever day.) You should come along, it'll be fun". That takes all of the mentally stressful "date" pressure off of you and her. You're not asking her out, you're just a fun guy with fun plans and you're saying she can come have fun too. Do not even make it a question! State what your plans are and state that she can or should join you for a fun time. If she expresses interest wrap up any details quickly and GET OFF THE PHONE. More phone chat is just a chance to go downhill. Quicker and easier but less effective would be to skip the smalltalk, get on the phone and tell her you only have a moment to talk, tell her what fun thing you have planned for yourself, tell her she can or should come have fun too, and get off the phone quickly.

Here is more advice from WikiAnswers contributors:

• Dial her number and talk to her a few times first. Then just ask her out, but make it a public place. Usually you would want to ask her if she would like to meet or to be picked up depending on how well you know each other.
• Don't go on a date like STRAIGHT AWAY. First find out if she wants to go out with you, if she says yes, get to know her favorite places and things. Then ask her on a date.
• Ask her out for a coffee, it's much easier than saying 'date'. It's not as forward as asking someone out for a meal, but still has a pseudo-romantic feel; and you keep a sort of non-committal attitude, meaning you can always say your intentions were completely innocent.
• To be honest, girls feel flattered when you ask them out personally (face-to-face). If you are too shy, don't say: "Do you want to go on a date with me," say something like "I'm going ______, would you like to come along?" If you want to make a great impression, ask her out in person!

Even though I am a girl...I think that you should be calm about it! Don't freak about it! It isn't like the girl you want to date will kill you if you ask! The worst she can do is say no!

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