How To Find The Right Gift For Your Wife

You want to get a nice gift for your wife, but you're not exactly sure what she wants? Follow these steps to assure she'll like what you choose for her.


1.Discover what she wants:

• Sometimes you can find out what she wants either by asking her (directly or indirectly) or by remembering from past conversations.

• If you want to make it a surprise, use her friends or family members to snoop it out for you. • If it is a "just because" gift, recall what she has asked for in the past, or even "mooned over" at the shopping center. • Purchase some magazines and catalogs and ask your wife to circle what she likes for future reference. Do this at least seasonally because clothing preferences and styles change at least that often. • Buy a gift certificate if you're uncertain of her precise preferences in an area. For example, if she has stated she would like some new clothes, then give her a gift certificate to a favorite shopping center and write a note on the card that it's for clothes for her. • However you go about it, a gift that shows that you spent time thinking about her or paying attention to her will be more greatly appreciated even if it turns out that she doesn't like the gift itself.

2.Present the gift:

• Even a potentially bad gift can be saved with correct presentation. If you bought your wife a new vacuum cleaner (always a bad gift) find a humorous or clever way to present it, or attach a book of "coupons" to it that she can use to have you do the vacuuming for her.

• If the gift is something you know she will go completely ga-ga over, make the presentation quick and painless so she can get right into the exhultation over the great gift. For example, if you got your wife a full day spa treatment, you can just hand her the pamphlet and say, "hey, I got you a little something."

3.Enjoy the smile on your wife's face.


• Keeping track of your wife's preferences will make your life a bit easier, but keep a gift receipt just in case.

• Check your wife's size while zipping up the back of a dress. The tag for most zip-up dresses is usually off to (your) left-hand side at around her shoulder blade. This will be handy if you decide to buy her clothes.
• Combining gifts is a great way to impress your wife. For example, purchase a dress for her and slip in a gift certificate for a nice restaurant inside of the box.
• You can even make your own gift certificates. For example: you promise to do a chore she has been asking you to do (best if placed with a stack of homemade gift certificates that may include a nice massage or whatever else you may think she'll like, such as your cooking).
• Taking into account what your wife's hobbies and occupation is may also give you clues as to what to buy her for a gift. For example, if she's a professional chef, a gift certificate to the local Kitchen supply store would not be out of place.

• Remember, it truly is the thought that counts. Your wife would rather you spend time thinking about what to buy for her instead of money.


• Do not assume you know your wife better than she does. If she says she wants a food processor for Christmas, then darn it, make sure you get the one she wants and give it to her.

• With that said, however, be warned that just because your wife ASKS for something doesn't necessarily mean it should be for a special occasion gift. For example, if your wife casually mentions "Ugh, we need a new vacuum cleaner." does not mean a vacuum cleaner is an appropriate Christmas (or whatever) gift, only that one of you will need to purchase a new one in the near future.

• Be aware of your wife's allergies. For example, some women are allergic to ingredients in perfume and cosmetics. While others are allergic to chocolate and flowers.

Things You'll Need

• Knowledge of your wife's preferences. If you don't know (or aren't sure), ask.

• Magazines and catalogs, so you can find out what your wife specifically likes

• Money and time. It bears repeating: It's the thought that counts.

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