How To Impress A Man

Men are easier to impress than women, right? Sometimes.

1. Remember that men like women with confidence. If you like who you are, they'll like who you are.

2. Practice being independent. It takes a lot of the pressure off of men to know they don't have to take care of you.

3. Don't play dumb. If that's what it takes to impress a certain man, do you really want him?

4. Dress well. Wear whatever you have on with your own style. Guys like those black seamed stockings and flashy high heels, sure, but you'll be more fun if you're comfortable.

5. Don't worry if you don't look like a supermodel. After all, you don't demand that the men in your life all look like movie stars, right? There are more important things. Give guys credit for knowing that.

6. Be engaging. A woman who is sitting with a bunch of men is intriguing. Those guys are sitting with her for a reason. Other men will want to know what it is.

7. Notice what a man is wearing and compliment him. Men often go to a lot of trouble to look good, but rarely get as many compliments as women do.

8. Don't drink too much. Your inhibitions will be lowered and you might say or do things you wouldn't normally do.

9. Be appreciative. Say thanks when it's appropriate. Smile when you say it. It means a lot.

10. Ask the man about his work, his hobbies, his interests. Listen carefully and ask questions.

11. Find out what he's interested in. If you can hold your own in a discussion on baseball, stock cars or fishing, you're in.

12. Be relaxed and easy to get along with. The more comfortable you are, the more comfortable the people around you are. You might not be the only one who's nervous.


While you're busy impressing your man, don't forget to take the time to make sure he's worth impressing. It's a two-way street - you should both impress each other.

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