Men & Relationships


1. Relationships with an ex-boyfriend
2. Things not to be done at his place
3. Clues to attract a man
4. How to improve relationships with men

A man can find a million and one other things to do rather than sit down with his partner and talk about their relationship. Is it so because men don’t care about them? No, it’s just that the words “relationship discussion” mean different things to men and women. And not only these words…

What do men really want out of life? Do they really want to get married? Or do they just want to have sex with whomever until they get old? Or do they have to feel alone before they make the step into a relationship?

There isn’t any one “model” that fits all men or all women. Everyone is different and is motivated by different things. Yes, some men want to get married and yes, some men just want to have a lot of sexual partners throughout the rest of their lives. These are both valid goals, but it depends on the individual.

However, it does seem that marriage and commitment isn't as attractive to most men as it is to most women, doesn’t it?

So, what is the difference?

Men struggle every single day to meet the goals that are imposed on them by society. Men's impositions have been around for a long time and are actually the fabric of our society and culture. Women's are more "self-imposed". For example, men are expected to hold down steady jobs, provide for themselves and their families and to do everything (including in relationships) with "honor".

That means being up-front and direct. But women are under no such obligation and are never up-front about their intentions in relationships. They have all sorts of tools they use to get men to expose their agenda's up front without having to do so themselves!

With commitment, consider that men and women view this very differently too.

While women view commitment as security, future, family, love, closeness, support and many other "good" things, men often view commitment (and likewise, marriage) as responsibility, stress, loss of freedom, loss of choice, a life of toiling to meet the demands of that relationship, and many other "bad" things! In fact, these are very common feelings among most men.

1. Relationships with an ex-boyfriend

In the men-women relationships happen not only huge mistakes that finally lead to the catastrophes. There are also some small errors that are committed by both sides.

A woman sometimes commits some of those errors at her man’s place. If he’s a normal guy he won’t get mad, you may not even understand what’s really wrong about what you’ve done. But those small mistakes, especially if they are plenty are very annoying. It won’t demand much effort to avoid them but will show some respect to him and the place of his inhabitance.

First of all you should always remember that his place is a man’s place – this means that there aren’t supposed to be any sings of a woman. He won’t be much excited to come once to his own bathroom and find there the ranks of yours bottles, pots and tubes with the magical cremes, masks, gels and etc. Yes, all this stuff makes your beauty shine and he definitely loves the results but never interested in measures. The same thing with all the eye-shadows, lip-sticks and especially with the pantyliners. Leave all these things for you bag and apartment, try not to leave the traces of you. This stuff is supplying your everyday existence but he doesn’t want to know about it and frankly speaking doesn’t have to.

Another thing is that you shouldn’t rummage about his stuff. And do you really want to play detective? Who knows what he hides there? Do you really want to make an inventory of his porno-videos and magazines? On the other hand you make accidentally touch or move the things that have sacral meaning for him. And the rag of an indefinite color could be a scarf given him on his tenth birthday by his beloved mother.

The next point naturally following the previous one is that shouldn’t ever try to clean up his mess. By the way what’s mess for you for him can be a perfect order or the most comfortable environment. And with the garbage you may throw away some “very necessary things”. Probably he hasn’t used them for ages or even forgotten about their existence but the moment you throw them away they turn to be treasures. Also the vacuum cleaner in your hands can give you a mommy-look or which is worse a wife-look. So you’d better not shock him with such a view.

Also you shouldn’t discuss that mess with him neither raise the question of the disadvantages of his apartment. You may admire the style of his place and the way it’s decorated as much as you want or can but never criticize. It’s his castle or resort, he’s the one and only master in here and who are you to judge? Well if you have the tones of delicacy and a diploma of a professional decorator you may offer yourself to make a couple of notes or to give a piece of advice, but be very careful. If you step into his place for the first time mind that the expression on your face can say some things you’d better conceal.

If he has invited you for a self-cooked dinner than you probably will be fed up. In case it’s his first kitchen experience hope for the best but prepare for the worst – bring something eatable with you. Just in case. If he hasn’t invited be ready to find nothing but a stale slice of yesterdays’ pizza in his refrigerator. Whatever it’ll be this time your mistake would be to expect much. If he’s invited your for a movie – well you make hope for a fresh pizza and probably some beer but not for a movie. At least you will never know if the main hero has finally saved the world or not.

If you, starving, have found some food at his kitchen think twice if you are so really starving because a) it may not be very fresh and b) he’s left that for himself. Remember that you’re not at a family house where everyone’s leaving the last slice for the others – your boyfriend will remember the last bottle of beer drunk by you for some really long time.

So every woman visiting her man’s place should see it as some enemy’s disposition and act carefully not too make some strategic mistakes. Man’s apartment is a place where most of the woman’s rules of housekeeping don’t work and she shouldn’t try to reform it.

2. Things not to be done at his place

In the men-women relationships happen not only huge mistakes that finally lead to the catastrophes. There are also some small errors that are committed by both sides.

A woman sometimes commits some of those errors at her man’s place. If he’s a normal guy he won’t get mad, you may not even understand what’s really wrong about what you’ve done. But those small mistakes, especially if they are plenty are very annoying. It won’t demand much effort to avoid them but will show some respect to him and the place of his inhabitance.

First of all you should always remember that his place is a man’s place – this means that there aren’t supposed to be any sings of a woman. He won’t be much excited to come once to his own bathroom and find there the ranks of yours bottles, pots and tubes with the magical cremes, masks, gels and etc. Yes, all this stuff makes your beauty shine and he definitely loves the results but never interested in measures. The same thing with all the eye-shadows, lip-sticks and especially with the pantyliners. Leave all these things for you bag and apartment, try not to leave the traces of you. This stuff is supplying your everyday existence but he doesn’t want to know about it and frankly speaking doesn’t have to.

Another thing is that you shouldn’t rummage about his stuff. And do you really want to play detective? Who knows what he hides there? Do you really want to make an inventory of his porno-videos and magazines? On the other hand you make accidentally touch or move the things that have sacral meaning for him. And the rag of an indefinite color could be a scarf given him on his tenth birthday by his beloved mother.

The next point naturally following the previous one is that shouldn’t ever try to clean up his mess. By the way what’s mess for you for him can be a perfect order or the most comfortable environment. And with the garbage you may throw away some “very necessary things”. Probably he hasn’t used them for ages or even forgotten about their existence but the moment you throw them away they turn to be treasures. Also the vacuum cleaner in your hands can give you a mommy-look or which is worse a wife-look. So you’d better not shock him with such a view.

Also you shouldn’t discuss that mess with him neither raise the question of the disadvantages of his apartment. You may admire the style of his place and the way it’s decorated as much as you want or can but never criticize. It’s his castle or resort, he’s the one and only master in here and who are you to judge? Well if you have the tones of delicacy and a diploma of a professional decorator you may offer yourself to make a couple of notes or to give a piece of advice, but be very careful. If you step into his place for the first time mind that the expression on your face can say some things you’d better conceal.

If he has invited you for a self-cooked dinner than you probably will be fed up. In case it’s his first kitchen experience hope for the best but prepare for the worst – bring something eatable with you. Just in case. If he hasn’t invited be ready to find nothing but a stale slice of yesterdays’ pizza in his refrigerator. Whatever it’ll be this time your mistake would be to expect much. If he’s invited your for a movie – well you make hope for a fresh pizza and probably some beer but not for a movie. At least you will never know if the main hero has finally saved the world or not.

If you, starving, have found some food at his kitchen think twice if you are so really starving because a) it may not be very fresh and b) he’s left that for himself. Remember that you’re not at a family house where everyone’s leaving the last slice for the others – your boyfriend will remember the last bottle of beer drunk by you for some really long time.

So every woman visiting her man’s place should see it as some enemy’s disposition and act carefully not too make some strategic mistakes. Man’s apartment is a place where most of the woman’s rules of housekeeping don’t work and she shouldn’t try to reform it.

3. Clues to attract a man

What makes a woman attractive to a man?

In fact every woman sends out signals to men. Most men can detect and read your signals in a matter of seconds. The first pulses you emit are your dress and your body language.

It’s incredibly easy for a woman to attract attention from men. Just wear skin-tight, thigh-length, revealing clothing. You’ll get lots of male attention. But will it be the kind of attention you want? Fishermen insist that the fish you catch is determined by the bait you use.

Would you like to make yourself more appealing to a man who will be attracted to you as a person and not as an object? If so, remember these tips to keep in mind when trying to attract a man.

Confidence is the number one attraction. Being more confident with yourself and your surroundings will attract someone that is equal to you. You will also notice that more people are drawn to you.

Appearance is also a big issue. Your appearance and body language may catch his attention, but it takes personality and charm to sustain a man's interest.

Realize you only have one chance to make a good first impression. If he sees you when you are at your worst then he will not want to look a second time.

Give a man a reason to think about you. Wear a lingering fragrance that haunts his memory, soft clothes that he yearns to touch and a smile that he can't get out of his mind. And don’t forget to leave a little something to the imagination. An air of mystery can be provocative and appealing to a man.

Make him feel important by focusing your full attention on him. Listen intently to what he has to say and respond with respect for his opinions, laugh at his jokes no matter how lama they are, take an interest in his interests.

And finally – don't try and be something you are not. He will be falling for a false idol and will not want to know you when he sees the real you. Let him know you're different from all the rest. Emphasize your originality through your personality, intelligence and behavior.

4. How to improve relationships with men

As one has finally met her Mr. Prince Charming, she immediately faces a crossroad with various lines of conduct. The following clues are to reveal man.s preferences and to investigate what you should and shouldn.t do to improve relationship with him.

Clue #1. Trying to improve relationship with men, move slowly. Mind your self-esteem . never chase after him, be fairly (moderately) active. Men would love it to get a skittish invitation from you to go out. Be careful not to overdo acting as touch-me-not, since men don.t enjoy of being refused. To encourage a man to begin a serious relationship, one might need to convince him that you possess all the merits of his ideal partner. When a man is unwilling to enter into serious relationships with you, this may arise from you not being his ladylove.

Clue #2. Your should never ague, on the way to improve relationship with a guy. Let the sleeping dog lie. He is the winner and would definitely suffer if defeated. Men don.t like it when one points out his mistakes or tries to seem smart. They are still in for that puerile-like contest for the palm of supremacy. Inspire self-confidence in him, admiring his strength, generosity, diligence and feelings for you.

Clue #3. Hurling reproaches at man, you would scarcely meet a stroke of good fortune to improve relationship with him. Foolish attempts to change a man will never do. Verbal attack makes him feel confused and provokes indignation. Veil sharp criticism into tender kitty.s purr. Pout your sweet lips and a guy will admit his being wrong.

Clue #4. In desperate efforts to improve relationship with your man, keep on telling he.s the greatest lover ever met. Whisper to his left ear that on cloud nine, while he is doing those sexy things with you. Never tell him about your ex-lovers and sexual experience. Flirting with other men and making a guy jealous results in jeopardizing your love.

Clue #5. Avoid being rude with him. A soft answer turns away wrath. Pretend a compliant and easy girl to get on with. Be thankful and happy, accepting his showering you with gifts. When you make an effort to improve relationship with a man, you.d better seem less independent, for he is the one to become your shelter and support.

Clue #6. Show your interest in his business and profession, emphasize that his activities are of high importance to you. Having not the foggiest idea of the issue, ask him for advice and explanation. When aimed to improve relationship with men, be swift to hear, slow to speak.

Clue #7. Show an overflow of respect to man.s parents. Tell that you adore them, especially his mother. Devote as much attention to her, as possible. One that respects not is not respected.

Clue #8. Learn to improve relationship with men by not meddling in precious moment of their solitude. Leave your guy in peace, give him an opportunity to relax and turn over in his mind. From time to time, let him go out and have fun without you.

Clue #9. Take it into consideration that men are usually telling lies to improve relationship. Don.t incite your guy by being more stupid than you are. You may force him to conceal the truth, asking if you are beautiful, if he likes that girl more than you and why, if he needs you and what for, etc.

Clue #10. If you intend to improve relationship with your man by means of seduction, keep fit and let him be delighted with your tremendous beauty. Don.t misuse make up, be natural. Smile and laugh more frequently, never look sad . you are not a dramatic actress. Probably, one day he will realize you are irresistible.

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