Relationship And Dating

Build successful relationships, and enhance your personal wellbeing and safety

The people you spend time with should make you feel good about yourself and improve the quality of your day to day life. It can be difficult on a large campus like UCLA for students to know how to go about fitting in, finding friends, and building intimate relationships. The Center for Women & Men created Project Date Smart to help you learn how to:

• Enhance the quality of your relationships;
• Build confidence in your dating skills;
• Develop intimate relationships at your own comfort level and speed;
• Understand how culture affects dating;
• Enhance your personal safety and wellbeing;
• Learn safe & effective uses of dating technology;
• Reject disrespectful or abusive treatment; and
• Know how and when to let go of a relationship that isn't working.

What We Offer...

Every quarter the Center for Women & Men offers a variety of workshops and programs on these and other topics designed to help you to enjoy your UCLA experience and build satisfying and healthy relationships with friends and intimate partners. All programs are free of charge and open to all registered UCLA students. Come by the Center, conveniently located in B44 of the Student Activities Center for a schedule of upcoming workshops and events or go on line to for a listing of upcoming programs. No sign-up is necessary for most workshops and all are located at the Center unless otherwise noted.

Some of Our Workshops Include...

• “How to Pick the Right Partner For You”
• “How to Start a Relationship and Increase Your Dating Confidence and Skills”
• “Saying What's on Your Mind—Being Your Most Genuine Self”
• “Tech Savvy- On-Line Safety in Dating”
• “Opening Communication with Intimate Partners”
• “Let's Talk About Sex”
• “Jealousy: When the Green Eyed Monster Roars”
• “Setting Your Own Pace, Understanding Your Limits”
• “When Red Flags Appear: How to Know When a Relationship Isn't Working”
• “Moving on After a Break-Up”
• “Fighting Fair: Conflict Resolution, and How to De-escalate Tense Situations”
• “Balancing School, Friends, and Love”

When you improve your relationships, you improve your life. Remember:

• People of all ages find dating difficult in some way.
• Good relationship skills can be learned.
• Almost all relationships can be improved by increasing your self confidence and interpersonal skills.
• Everyone deserves to be treated with respect.
• Staying in a bad relationship because you think it is “better than no relationship” is usually a mistake.
• There are lots of people out there!

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