Sexual Astrology


The month of August is a good time to live, study and practice total integration in your affectionate relationship ...

Monthly Horoscope Aries:

Your sensuality and your ability to love are increased now, making you more intense with greater depth and creative energy. It is a personal cycle that can serve you to intensively fuse with your partner, Aries.
A harmonious aspect of Venus to Pluto is a small step toward ascending the height of sexual alchemy, which is based on the progressive increase of sexual energy as well as control over it.
The month of August is a good time to live, study and practice total integration in your affectionate relationship, where the body, the psyche and the mind collaborate toward the same end: fusion, and as a result evolution. Enjoy yourself intensely and become aware of each instant, since true love is bound to the full awareness of each act, each gesture, each feeling and each thought.


During the time of this harmonious aspect of transiting Sun to Venus your sensuous and affectionate feelings will be accentuated...

Monthly Horoscope Taurus:

During the time of this harmonious aspect of transiting Sun to Venus your sensuous and affectionate feelings will be accentuated, that is to say, will be expressed clearly; without shyness, disguise or any complex.
There is a better understanding between you and your loved one, since you experience that through your love relationship your own personal limits are transcended, Taurus.
If you are in love with someone and up until now have not expressed your feelings, it probably would be a good time to do it, provided that you are sure and know for certain that your selection is right. If you already have someone or are married, use this chance to reaffirm your love for them, since that revitalizes the feelings for both of you.


You are likely to have new and intensive experiences in relationship to your partner ...

Monthly Horoscope Gemini:

Sensually, you now tend to be very passionate, spontaneous and ardent in the manifestation of your emotions, which will increase the level of energy exchange between you and your companion.
You are likely to have new and intensive experiences in relationship to your partner, which will give you opportunities to develop delivery, intensity, sacrifice and nobility. It is very probable that you now crave fresh air, a trip or sports activity with your companion to create the feeling of being immersed in an adventurous environment.
You will also have opportunities for creative leisures, enjoying new surroundings, and very fulfilling periods, weekends or a vacation for both of you, Gemini!


If you now have a satisfying sexual life you will observe that your personal energy will increase ...

Monthly Horoscope Cancer:

If you now have a satisfying sexual life you will observe that your personal energy will increase. Briefly, real sexuality does not consist of squandering your own energy, but exchanging it in an act in which psychological penetration, confidence and understanding with your partner exists.
That is to say, this kind of relationship doesn't squander vital energy, but exactly the opposite, since each partner is more revitalized through the act of making love.
If you project this psychic energy toward someone you love and have full confidence in him/her, then that energy is strengthened, exalted and sublimated. In that way, your increased vital energy will allow you to have a clearer conscience.


This harmonious astrological aspect during the month of August energizes your emotions ...

Monthly Horoscope Leo:

This harmonious astrological aspect during the month of August energizes your emotions. That is to say, you will feel more competent to express your mental and emotional states in an open way, which causes you to be more direct and spontaneous in your sentimental relationships and, especially, with your family.
If you usually are shy, it is a good time to exercise emotional advantage, self-confidence and direct expression of your emotional states, Leo.
Sincerity and spontaneity in your emotional manifestations are essential for you now. You prefer to vent any possible resentment, hurt feelings or misunderstandings immediately. If there is something that concerns you or that doesn't seem right in your emotional relationships, you will try to clear the air quickly and without any dubiousness.


Learn to speak but also listen, Virgo, give advice and also think about the advice given to you ...

Monthly Horoscope Virgo:

Avoid an egocentric, superior and arrogant attitude toward your mate. Perhaps now you are very proud of something you have obtained on a social or professional level, or even are proud of your own companion, but you should never have a capricious or egocentric attitude, Virgo!
Don't ever think that you are going faster than your companion, since it is necessary that both of you go hand in hand, jointly experiencing the new encounters that are opened to you each day.
Learn to speak but also listen, Virgo, give advice and also think about the advice given to you, in fact, learn to find the right balance between you and your loved one.


If you are married or have children, it is a good time to guarantee your personal individual integration with your ...

Monthly Horoscope Libra:

If you are married or have children, it is a good time to guarantee your personal individual integration with your family environment, living the fact that "the personal path of evolution starts in the family". You see that by emitting noble energies, the energies returned to you are also of high and protective character.
It is neither more nor less than what is visible, and what is real, noble and high always grows and fructifies. In this case, you plant the seeds of delivery, sacrifice and nobility, and the fruit thereafter will be creative and full of deep emotional experiences, Libra.
If you are in a period of courtship, don't think that by simply maintaining an apparently harmonious, fun and happy keynote during this phase guarantees that the future relationship will endure in time.


If you are in love with someone and up until now have not expressed your feelings, it probably would be a good time to ...

Monthly Horoscope Scorpio:

Enjoy any moment of happiness that you could have now and you will see that happiness attracts happiness and what is high is integrated with the high. Understand, live and experience love as something that is simultaneously produced on several levels, that is to say, in the physical dominance as well as the emotional, mental and spiritual.
If you are in love with someone and up until now have not expressed your feelings, it probably would be a good time to do it, provided that you are sure and know for certain that your selection is right, Scorpio.

If you already have someone or are married, use this chance to reaffirm your love for them, since that revitalizes the feelings for both of you.


You now will express your love in a very clear and direct way and, at the same time, will come to ...

Monthly Horoscope Sagittarius:

A harmonious astrological aspect of transiting Jupiter to Pluto will activate your sentimental, sensuous and vital energies. In general, you will be more excessive, energized and full of vital force.
You now will express your love in a very clear and direct way and, at the same time, will come to understand very important levels with your companion, Sagittarius.
This is a very good time to find someone, if you currently are not committed. If you are engaged and have been thinking about marriage, during the period of this aspect you certainly will find the soundness and necessary safety to take this step successfully. If you are already married, now will be the time to enormously deepen your relationship and perhaps take an especially interesting trip.


Don't subdue or put off love until next week, next month or when your problems may have been solved ...

Monthly Horoscope Capricorn:

This harmonious aspect of transiting Mars to Pluto generates an increase of your sexual and vital energy. Sexual energy is bound to self-confidence, which increases your total energy and personal magnetism during this period. It is a good time to deepen the interrelationship that exists between managing sexual energy and total vital energy.
Don't forget that love is something sensitive, intuitive and relaxing, and the affectionate event indirectly helps to strengthen the will, spirit and optimism of the daily experiences.
Don't subdue or put off love until next week, next month or when your problems may have been solved. By doing that, you certainly would be losing a great opportunity to amend and improve the course of events from now on.


Precisely, this astrological aspect can motivate you to approach and be reconciled with someone ...

Monthly Horoscope Aquarius:

This is a good time to strengthen family relationships and the ties with your loved ones. During this period you see things more from an emotional point of view and your psyche now is able to surpass the susceptibilities, including those bound to family situations of the past.
Precisely, this astrological aspect can motivate you to approach and be reconciled with someone, with whom you previously had certain tension.
If you are not involved with anyone, this could be a time when you are enamored quickly and may approach someone that is attractive to you, but you may do it in a daring or untimely way. If you don't moderate your impulse, it is very probable that you may be rejected, since others will see you a bit sharp or discourteous. Be aware, Aquarius!


Take the good advice of your loved one now. Upon making decisions jointly you will benefit in all kinds of ...

Monthly Horoscope Pisces:

A harmonious aspect of transiting Mars to Venus activates your emotional, sensuous and affectionate energy. The relationship to your mate will be especially vital. You may want to expand, enjoy, entertain and intensify your emotional communication.
Take the good advice of your loved one now. Upon making decisions jointly you will benefit in all kinds of activities, such as professional, economic or of any other nature, Pisces.
Sensually, you now tend to be very passionate, spontaneous and ardent in the manifestation of your emotions, which will increase the level of energy exchange between you and your companion. This generates greater inner security in you as well as your partner and greater ability to contend with the daily circumstances.

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