The 27 Types Of Women Revealed!

Asian News International
Soon after a book revealed the 27 faces of men, a report in the Daily Mirror presented by Jane Ridley puts women into 27 distinctive character types and claims all women fit into one of her categories. And her A-Z of the fairer sex, makes for some very interesting reading.

Bird with a brain:Both an intellectual and a good-time gal. Stuffs her books in her Gucci handbag and knows as much about Prada as Pythagoras.

Bitch: A man’s woman who sees other women purely in terms of competition. Queen of the putdowns, she would eat Bridget Jones for breakfast.

Alpha female: Bossy, loud-voiced, go-ahead. Waiters always ask her to taste the wine.

The cat lover: Friendly, 30-something dreamer whose shopping basket is chock-full of ready meals, chardonnay and cat food. Envies and despises smug marrieds.

Diet obsessive: This Twiglet is impossible to socialise with because she can’t hold a conversation unless it involves calorie intakes, Atkins or your glycaemic index. Her shallow life revolves around staying the perfect Size Eight.

Sassy singleton: Girl about town who loves cocktails and can drink men under the table. Driven in both her career and her pursuit of a husband.

Ladette:: Mouthy and always up for a laugh, she can smoke eight fags at once and drink all her weekly alcohol units in two hours. Likes wearing tight jeans and skimpy tops.

Earth mother: Ethereal and hippyish. Makes own bread and sews children’s clothes.

Eco-Girl: Big-hearted veggie in combats can shin up a tree quicker than you can say Newbury by-pass. Never get her into an argument about the Kyoto Agreement.

Funny girl: Always there to put a smile on your face with her witty wisecracks. Not the person to console you after a pet has died.

Librarian: Reads books, watches Heartbeat and University Challenge. Could be stunning if she in-vested in her appearance.

Mutton mamma: The only size 10 she looks good in is her shoes, but this delusional woman of a certain age still dresses like a Sugababe.

Mumsy: Nurturing type who puts her kids before everything else. Always there in a crisis with a packet of Wetwipes.

New mum: Thinks she is the only person ever to have given birth. Fiercely combative about her baby’s looks and development.

Pleaser: She can’t do enough to make you like her, handy if you need to borrow.

Sporty spice: A Gym bunny who knows more about the Premiership than Alan Hansen.

Posh totty: Had a crush on the head girl at school. Spends Daddy’s money on hairdressing, holidays and balls.

Rock chick: Lives life on the edge, bottle of Jack Daniel’s in hand. Has body-piercing and tattoos. Likes to grab attention, so slightly bisexual.

Stepford wife: Holds traditional views about the family and wouldn’t dream of going out to work. Doesn’t like sex, it would crease her frock.

Superwoman: Reads the FT as if it were Heat, doesn’t let giving birth get in the way of mega deals.

Girl next door: Pretty, down-to-earth, sensible and fun-loving. Men would be deli-ghted if she was their girl’s best mate, they’d love to bed her.

Try harder: Art student type with wacky hair and far-out dress sense. Flirty, but with no follow-through.

Uber-chic: Unflappable clothes horse who would look good in a sack. Has never skidded on dog poo or got her heels stuck down a drain.

Venus: Leggy, high-maintenance princess-type never has a hair out of place. Is constantly told she’s adorable but knows it already.

Wannabe: Her fake tan is so deep she’s been Tangoed. She wears impossibly short skirts and her dream is to bed Darren Day.

Waynetta: The couch is her natural habitat. Names two of her eight babies Benson and Hedges and lives off state handouts.

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